Handling Claims with Uninsured Motorists in Seattle
Obtaining Compensation with a Seattle Lawyer
Have you been involved in a car accident with a driver who is uninsured? This is not entirely uncommon in the U.S. as the Insurance Research Council has reported that there has been a rise in uninsured drivers throughout the past 10 years or so. In 2004 alone, 14.6 percent of all drivers on the road were without automobile insurance.
This is partly due to the tough economic crisis that the nation has been in for quite some time. Many people may feel that auto insurance is the last thing on their list to pay for; however, it is required by law that they have some form of insurance. Unfortunately, if you are in any type of car collision, there is a one in seven chance that it is with an uninsured driver.
It makes it difficult for someone who has faithfully paid their insurance dues for years on end to have to come alongside and pick up the cost for those who have chosen not to get insurance. Washington State alone has found that approximately 20% of all their drivers are uninsured, thereby accounting for a great deal of uninsured motorist claims. While anyone can drive without taking the proper precautions of purchasing insurance, typically these uninsured drivers are 18-29 males and they tend to stick towards driving older cars.
How can you seek compensation from an uninsured motorist?
Although the person at fault for your injuries may not have enough funds to pay for the damage, you may be able to pursue assistance from your insurance company. The major factor to consider is what your policy covers and proving to them that the accident was the fault of the other driver. If you can show that an uninsured motorist is to blame for the collision and that you sustained property damage and/or injuries as a result, you should be able to achieve compensation. You must be able to give them a specific monetary amount that needs to be covered, demonstrating the exact expenses that will need to be taken care of.
This can be particularly tricky if you try to negotiate this on your own, as insurance companies will often try to manipulate you. Delaying or denying your rightful claim altogether is something that happens all too often. Having extensive experience as an insurance adjuster and underwriter, Attorney J.D. Smith knows the various schemes that these insurance providers may attempt to use. With this knowledge, he has been able to achieve highly favorable settlements for past clients, including case verdicts beyond hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Who can receive restitution through uninsured motorist insurance?
Uninsured motorist coverage will not only pay if you are injured by an uninsured driver, it can also cover limited injury costs for other people. It should cover you even if you are pedestrian on the road, you are driving someone else's vehicle, sitting as a passenger in that same vehicle or riding along in your own car. In addition, it should cover any other relatives you have named under your particular policy that is injured. Those that are riding along in your car with your permission should receive payment from your provider, as well as any other passengers with you when you are driving, even if it is not in the car you own.
Our Seattle uninsured motorist attorney has over 20 years of combined experience in the field and has achieved millions of dollars for past clients. Pursuing justice and protecting your rights are our firm's top priorities. We will do everything in our power to see that you obtain the settlement that you deserve.
Contact us at (206) 537-0106 to learn more.